About Me

My name is Shelley Sluder and I want to tell you a little bit about myself.
I am a single mom of a fabulous, beautiful, exhausting 14-year-old.  She is currently a Freshman in high school.  We have two dogs.  Lucy is a 9-year-old terrier mix rescue and Cooper is a 2-year-old maltipoo.  We currently live in my family home in Washington County. 
I graduated from East Tennessee State University and began my teaching career at Washington College Academy in Limestone.  When the Academy closed I began teaching at West Pines Elementary School in Greene County.  I taught 6th, 7th, and 8th grade ELA and Social Studies through the years.  I was also the Computer Lab teacher for a number of years before moving back to the 8th grade ELA position.  
While I was at West Pines I graduated from Union College with a Master's Degree (M. Ed.) in Principalship/Leadership and an Educational Specialists Degree (Ed. S.) in the same.  
When West Pines closed I was moved to Ottway Elementary School and taught 5th and 6th grade Science.  Unfortunately, this was the year Covid broke out and we had to finish the year in Quarantine.  
The following year Ottway Elementary changed to North Greene Middle School.  I am now teaching 8th-grade Social Studies and I am the school Technology Coach.
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